
Blender 2.93
Blender 2.93

WARN (gpu. Blender,2.93. Blender 2.93.1 is out, coming in hot with 19 bug fixes in total, greatly improving stability and dealing with areas such as cryptomattes, mantaflow and more.

blender 2.93

Extension “GL_ARB_conservative_depth” is not supported In order to continue using the latest versions of Blender, users will have to update their operating system. This means that Blender will no longer run on computers with Windows 7 operating system because it has no compatibility with this version of Python. | Warning: ( #62) enable/warn/disable extension is not found. Since version 2.93, Blender developers moved its API to Python 3.9. WARN (gpu.shader): OVERLAY_shader_armature_sphere_410 FragShader: X2 Crucial MX500 500GB SSD and x1 128 M.2 SSD

blender 2.93

I can leave a link for the scene i’m trying to open, but no other scene works here, Blender crashes either Empty or opening a Scene so… Please help!

blender 2.93


Hello, When i Start blender, it instantly crashes, i did a factory reset on my computer and before i did that, everything was working fine! Sometimes i can use it but it instantly crashes with no warning!ĪMD GPU Drivers are all up-to-date, but my GPU has been doing some “beeps” and miliseconds freezes once in a while, while playing games but never crashed anything! Only getting these issues in Blender, i only use it for Making Mods for the Racing game “Assetto Corsa”. Free Get in Store app Description The Long-Term Support version of Blender 2.93, the Free and Open Source 3D creation suite.

Blender 2.93